Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Grocery Shopping Time: Where Do I Start

Tonight I am looking at grocery circulars and making a menu plan in order to cover from Saturday until the following Saturday. Because we are eating at home more and over half the crew are bringing their lunch from home I have to account for those meals as well.The key thing I want to wean them off of is eating so many potato chips. This will be an adventure/challenge in and of itself. But again, it's all about the baby steps.

I do know that the key to getting them to eat veggies and fruit is to have it prepped and ready to eat without them having to do it themselves. They are very much a grab and go crew and if I want them to eat healthier then I'll have to make the good stuff just as accessible as the not-so-good stuff.

I would like to share that they are already eating fewer chips and trying different things than they were before. There is no arguing about "how many chips can I have". I am excited about the changes to come, for all of us.

Off to figure out what types of snacks to buy.

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