Friday, January 9, 2015

Minor Whining

Groaning about lack of snacks (aka "there's no more junk food left that I like to snack on) has started to happen. Unfortunately less processed and prepackaged snack food means more work for me. It also means I have to  get the opportunity to teach my kids how to chop fruits and veggies on their own, how to figure out portion sizes and keeps me from cheating on my own healthy eating plan.
This weekend will be a testing ground for me prepping healthy snacks and storing them in containers that my kids can reach without having to go on a treasure hunt in the refrigerator.

Yep, changing from (never expires) potato chips that will last until sometime in 2016 to fruits and veggies that go bad within a week or two means making room in that crazy Tetris game of a refrigerator. You know, you pull out three things to get to what you really want. And then you have to put back the stuff hoping that it stacks the same even though a "block" is missing.

I've been working on one shelf at a time. I even bought a few containers to help keep things more organized. Did you know you could use containers in your refrigerator like you do in your pantry or your linen closet? This was such an amazing concept to me. Not once did I think of using anything but Tupperware or Rubbermaid with leftovers inside. Now I have my eggs in a basket and a closed container that hold string cheese and those little Babybel snack thingies. The kids can locate their healthy snacks just a little easier.

*Yes I realize that some people don't consider cheese a healthy snack. One step at a time people.

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