Thursday, January 8, 2015


We've eaten at home everyday so far. Of course, the weekend hasn't gotten here so they aren't begging for pizza, yet. Only the 11 year old has been drinking water but thankfully I discovered our reusable water bottles so I have filled them and they are in the fridge. We'll see what happens.

I did get a request for me to actually cut the apples and put them in the fridge for some of them to snack on, yay me. This weekend and next week are going to be the beginning of the real test as the chips are beginning to run low, as are the other processed snacks. Soon they will realize that they are left with fruit, nuts, cheese, yogurt, popcorn, carrots, celery, cucumbers and if they are really good I'll make homemade BAKED potato chips in the oven.

Building my plan for reducing the sugar in my Kool Aid and tea.

Excited to see how things go. Normally I would be dragged down and give in to the ease of ordering pizza or picking up more frozen pizzas at the store before the big shopping day. But this is a challenge, an experiment, to see what works and what doesn't and to prove my hypothesis that even junk food addicted kids ( as well as us adults) can change our habits for a lifetime.

Maybe I should see if I can figure out a good way to get the kids moving during the day? These single digit temperatures are making them all crazy with cabin fever. Thoughts?

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